With years of experience, we've gained the knowledge & expertise to fulfill every request with innovative solutions, making us a standout choice among fabric swatch book suppliers. But our success goes beyond that. We prioritize understanding your unique marketing needs, ensuring that our fabric swatch books, swatch cards, fabric stacks, binders, slip cases & other products don't just meet your expectations— they exceed them.
"You can trust in our ability to deliver exceptionally high-quality pattern books and textile display products. From wallpaper to fabric sampling, we consistently produce results that our clients are proud to showcase."
"Every member of the Kapsons Zig Zag cutting team possesses the knowledge and expertise to meet your patter book brief. Together we craft exceptional sampling products and provide service that's truly unparalleled."
"With over five years in the pattern book industry, our deep understanding of sampling solutions has been key to our growth. We have a strong grasp of the interior textiles industry, a clear understanding of our client's needs and commitment to supporting our talented team."